Work with Us
We encourage you to use the rich local and national MWCCS data to pursue your own scientific questions. If you would like to work with us, please contact one of the PIs or Kathleen Weber. We will help you to determine feasibility and to navigate the process of concept sheet formulation, submission and approval.
Step-by-step instructions about how to work with MWCCS are linked below. Prior to submitting a concept sheet, investigators must check for overlap with existing MWCCS projects using the Public View in our project tracking database DACCTrack. All concept sheets (CS), manuscripts, abstracts, and publications are maintained in DACCTrack (cloud-based data management system). Investigators may access their concept sheets through a unique DACCTrack link (called an Investigator View) provided by the Data Analysis and Coordination Center (DACC).
Cross-insitutional Collaborations

MACS/WIHS Combined Cohort Study Sites